Call for Entries: Zurich and Berlin


Netaudio London takes a break during 2009 with focus shifting to our European partners. There are plenty of opportunities for you to get involved with Netaudio Berlin and Pool/Loop in Zurich, both having recently opened their call for entries. If are active as musician or sound artist, have netaudio related knowledge you’d like to share or are involved in digital culture in any form then check them out and put your name down for participation.

Pool/Loop 09 Zurich (ex Netlabel Festival05, Copy!07)
call for entries closes 30 April 09
Festival takes place on 2 – 4 July on the shores of Lake Zurich, Switzerland.

Netaudio Berlin 2009
call for entries closes 31 May 09
Festival takes place on 8 – 10 October at Maria, Berlin, Germany.

Good luck and we’ll see you there on in 2010 back in London town!

Netaudio London takes a break during 2009 with focus shifting to our European partners. There are plenty of opportunities for you to get involved with Netaudio Berlin and Pool/Loop in Zurich, both having recently opened their call for entries.